IUPUI Fall Break 2024: A Guide to Frequently Asked Questions

IUPUI Fall Break 2024: A Guide to Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a student at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) looking forward to the upcoming fall break?

As the days grow shorter and the weather turns cooler, it’s time to start thinking about IUPUI’s fall break in 2024. Whether you’re planning a road trip, a staycation, or just some much-needed downtime, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your break.

Before we dive into the details of the fall break, let’s take a look at the upcoming academic calendar for 2024 to get a better understanding of the exact dates involved.

IUPUI Fall Break 2024

Here are 10 important points to remember about IUPUI Fall Break 2024:

  • Dates: October 14-18, 2024
  • Length: 5 days
  • Applies to: All IUPUI students
  • Classes: Canceled
  • Exams: Rescheduled or canceled
  • Campus: Closed (except for essential services)
  • Housing: Residence halls remain open
  • Dining: Limited options available
  • Activities: Plan ahead for off-campus activities
  • Preparation: Check with professors for assignment deadlines

Remember to use this break as an opportunity to relax, catch up on schoolwork, or explore Indianapolis and the surrounding areas.

Dates: October 14-18, 2024

The IUPUI fall break in 2024 will take place from Monday, October 14th to Friday, October 18th, giving students a total of five days off from classes and other academic activities.

This break is a great opportunity for students to catch up on schoolwork, relax and recharge, or explore Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. Keep in mind that during this time, all IUPUI classes will be canceled, and exams will be rescheduled or canceled altogether. The campus will also be closed, with the exception of essential services such as housing and dining.

Residence halls will remain open during the fall break, so students who live on campus do not need to make arrangements for alternative housing. However, dining options may be limited, so it’s a good idea to stock up on food and snacks beforehand or plan to eat off-campus.

If you’re planning to travel during the fall break, be sure to book your transportation and accommodations well in advance, as prices tend to increase closer to the date. You can also start researching fun activities and attractions in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas to make the most of your time off.

Remember to check with your professors regarding assignment deadlines and exam schedules, as some may have specific requirements or expectations during the break. Use this time wisely to recharge and prepare for the remainder of the semester.

Length: 5 days

The IUPUI fall break in 2024 will be five days long, giving students ample time to rest, recharge, and catch up on their studies.

  • Study and catch up:

    For students who have fallen behind in their coursework, the fall break provides an opportunity to catch up on readings, assignments, and studying. It’s also a good time to review lecture notes and prepare for upcoming exams.

  • Relax and recharge:

    After a long and challenging semester, the fall break is a much-needed opportunity for students to relax and recharge. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as sleeping in, spending time with friends and family, or pursuing hobbies and interests.

  • Travel and explore:

    With five days off, students have the chance to travel and explore new places. This could involve visiting nearby cities, going on a hiking or camping trip, or simply taking a day trip to a local attraction.

  • Work or volunteer:

    Some students may choose to use the fall break to earn some extra money or gain valuable experience by working or volunteering. This can be a good way to boost your resume and make connections in your field of interest.

No matter how you choose to spend your fall break, make sure to use the time wisely and come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the semester.

Applies to: All IUPUI students

The IUPUI fall break in 2024 applies to all students enrolled at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, regardless of their program of study, year of study, or campus location.

This means that all IUPUI students will have five days off from classes and other academic activities during the fall break, from October 14th to 18th, 2024. This includes undergraduate students, graduate students, and professional students.

During the fall break, all IUPUI classes will be canceled, and exams will be rescheduled or canceled altogether. The campus will also be closed, with the exception of essential services such as housing and dining. Residence halls will remain open during the fall break, so students who live on campus do not need to make arrangements for alternative housing.

All IUPUI students are encouraged to use the fall break as an opportunity to rest, recharge, and catch up on their studies. It is also a good time to explore Indianapolis and the surrounding areas, pursue personal interests, or simply take a break from the demands of school.

Please note that some academic programs may have specific requirements or expectations during the fall break. Students should check with their professors and program directors to ensure that they are aware of any special instructions or deadlines.

Classes: Canceled

During the IUPUI fall break in 2024, all classes will be canceled for all students.

  • No lectures or discussions:

    There will be no lectures, discussions, or other scheduled class meetings during the fall break. Students can use this time to catch up on readings, assignments, and studying at their own pace.

  • No exams or quizzes:

    No exams or quizzes will be scheduled during the fall break. If an exam or quiz was originally scheduled for a day that falls during the break, it will be rescheduled for a different date.

  • No assignments due:

    No assignments will be due during the fall break, unless otherwise specified by the instructor. Students should check their syllabi and course schedules to confirm assignment deadlines.

  • No online classes or activities:

    Any online classes or activities that are typically held during the week will also be canceled during the fall break. Students should not expect to receive emails or messages from their instructors during this time.

The cancellation of classes during the fall break is intended to give students a much-needed break from the rigors of academic life. Students are encouraged to use this time to rest, recharge, and come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn.

Exams: Rescheduled or canceled

During the IUPUI fall break in 2024, all exams that were originally scheduled for a day that falls during the break will be rescheduled or canceled.

Instructors have the discretion to decide whether to reschedule or cancel exams that fall during the break. Some instructors may choose to reschedule the exam for a date immediately before or after the break, while others may choose to cancel the exam altogether and adjust the course grading scheme accordingly.

Students should check their syllabi and course schedules to see how their instructors are handling exams that fall during the break. If an exam has been rescheduled, students should make note of the new date and time and plan their studies accordingly.

If an exam has been canceled, students should clarify with their instructor how the course grading scheme will be adjusted. In some cases, the weight of the canceled exam may be distributed among other assessments, such as quizzes, assignments, or the final exam.

Students who have questions or concerns about exams that fall during the fall break should contact their instructors directly. Instructors are generally understanding and willing to work with students to find a fair and equitable solution.

Campus: Closed (except for essential services)

During the IUPUI fall break in 2024, the campus will be closed, with the exception of essential services.

  • Academic buildings closed:

    All academic buildings, including classrooms, laboratories, and libraries, will be closed during the fall break. Students will not have access to these buildings during this time.

  • Administrative offices closed:

    Most administrative offices, including the Registrar’s Office, the Financial Aid Office, and the Bursar’s Office, will be closed during the fall break. Students will not be able to conduct business with these offices during this time.

  • Student services closed:

    Many student services, such as the Counseling Center, the Career Center, and the Health Center, will be closed during the fall break. Students will not be able to access these services during this time.

  • Essential services open:

    Some essential services, such as housing and dining, will remain open during the fall break. Residence halls will remain open for students who live on campus, and dining halls will be open with limited options.

The closure of the campus during the fall break is intended to give staff and faculty a much-needed break from their work. It also allows for maintenance and repairs to be conducted on campus facilities without disrupting classes and other activities.

Housing: Residence halls remain open

During the IUPUI fall break in 2024, all residence halls will remain open for students who live on campus. This means that students will not need to make arrangements for alternative housing during the break.

Students who live in residence halls are still expected to follow all university policies and regulations during the fall break. This includes being respectful of other residents, keeping their rooms clean and tidy, and遵守宵禁时间.

Students who have questions or concerns about living in the residence halls during the fall break should contact their resident advisor (RA) or the Office of Residential Life.

Here are some additional details about housing during the IUPUI fall break in 2024:

  • Meal plans: Some dining halls will remain open during the fall break, but with limited options. Students who have meal plans will be able to use their meal swipes and dining dollars at these dining halls.
  • Laundry facilities: Laundry facilities in the residence halls will remain open during the fall break. Students will be able to use their laundry cards to access the洗衣机和烘干机.
  • Mail and packages: The mailroom in each residence hall will be closed during the fall break. Students will not be able to receive mail or packages during this time.
  • Guests: Students are allowed to have guests in their rooms during the fall break, but they must follow all university policies and regulations regarding guests.

Students who are planning to stay in their residence hall room during the fall break should make sure to stock up on food and other supplies before the break begins.

Dining: Limited options available

During the IUPUI fall break in 2024, some dining halls will remain open, but with limited options.

  • Fewer dining halls open:

    Not all dining halls will be open during the fall break. Students should check the IUPUI Dining website to see which dining halls will be open and their hours of operation.

  • Reduced menu options:

    The dining halls that are open during the fall break will have a reduced menu. This means that there will be fewer options to choose from, and some popular items may not be available.

  • Modified hours of operation:

    The dining halls that are open during the fall break may have modified hours of operation. Students should check the IUPUI Dining website for the hours of operation for each dining hall.

  • Meal plan restrictions:

    Students who have meal plans will still be able to use their meal swipes and dining dollars at the dining halls that are open during the fall break. However, some restrictions may apply. For example, students may not be able to use their meal swipes for certain items or they may have a limited number of meal swipes that they can use each day.

Students who are planning to stay on campus during the fall break should make sure to stock up on food and other supplies before the break begins. They should also check the IUPUI Dining website to see which dining halls will be open and their hours of operation.

Activities: Plan ahead for off-campus activities

With five days off from classes, the IUPUI fall break in 2024 provides a great opportunity for students to explore Indianapolis and the surrounding areas.

Here are some ideas for off-campus activities that students can plan ahead for:

  • Visit local attractions:

    Indianapolis is home to a variety of museums, art galleries, and other attractions. Some popular options include the Indianapolis Zoo, the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, and the Indiana State Museum. Students can also visit the city’s many parks and gardens, such as White River State Park and the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

  • Attend a sporting event:

    Indianapolis is home to several professional and college sports teams. During the fall break, students can catch a game at Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the Indianapolis Colts, or Bankers Life Fieldhouse, home of the Indiana Pacers and Indiana Fever. Students can also attend a game at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, home of the Indianapolis 500.

  • Explore the city’s neighborhoods:

    Indianapolis is home to a variety of vibrant neighborhoods, each with its own unique character. Students can explore the trendy Mass Ave district, the historic Fountain Square neighborhood, or the eclectic Broad Ripple Village. These neighborhoods are home to a variety of shops, restaurants, and bars.

  • Take a day trip:

    Indianapolis is located within a short driving distance of several other major cities, such as Chicago, Cincinnati, and Louisville. Students can take a day trip to one of these cities to explore their attractions and culture.

Students should start planning their off-campus activities well in advance, especially if they are traveling to another city. They should also check the websites of the attractions and events they are interested in to see if they offer any discounts or special promotions for students.

Preparation: Check with professors for assignment deadlines

Before leaving for fall break, it’s important for students to check with their professors regarding assignment deadlines and exam schedules.

Some professors may have specific requirements or expectations during the break. For example, they may require students to complete an assignment or project over the break, or they may hold an exam immediately before or after the break.

Students should also be aware of any upcoming assignment deadlines that fall shortly after the break. They should make sure to complete these assignments before leaving for break, or they should plan to work on them during the break.

Here are some tips for checking with professors about assignment deadlines and exam schedules:

  • Check your syllabus:

    The syllabus for each course should include a list of assignment deadlines and exam dates. Students should review their syllabi carefully to make sure they are aware of all upcoming deadlines.

  • Talk to your professors:

    If students have any questions about assignment deadlines or exam schedules, they should talk to their professors in person or via email. Professors are generally understanding and willing to work with students to accommodate their needs.

  • Use online resources:

    Many universities have online resources that allow students to view their course schedules and assignment deadlines. Students can use these resources to check their deadlines and plan their study time accordingly.

By checking with their professors and planning ahead, students can avoid any surprises or stressful situations during the fall break.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the IUPUI fall break in 2024:

Question 1: When is the IUPUI fall break in 2024?
Answer 1: The IUPUI fall break in 2024 will take place from Monday, October 14th to Friday, October 18th.

Question 2: How long is the fall break?
Answer 2: The fall break is five days long, from October 14th to October 18th.

Question 3: Does the fall break apply to all IUPUI students?
Answer 3: Yes, the fall break applies to all IUPUI students, regardless of their program of study, year of study, or campus location.

Question 4: Will classes be canceled during the fall break?
Answer 4: Yes, all classes will be canceled during the fall break. There will be no lectures, discussions, or exams scheduled during this time.

Question 5: What about exams that were scheduled during the fall break?
Answer 5: Exams that were originally scheduled for a day that falls during the fall break will be rescheduled or canceled. Instructors have the discretion to decide how to handle exams that fall during the break.

Question 6: Will the campus be closed during the fall break?
Answer 6: Yes, the campus will be closed during the fall break, with the exception of essential services such as housing and dining. Residence halls will remain open for students who live on campus, and dining halls will be open with limited options.

Question 7: What activities can I do during the fall break?
Answer 7: There are many activities that you can do during the fall break, such as exploring Indianapolis, visiting local attractions, attending sporting events, or simply relaxing and catching up on schoolwork.

Question 8: What should I do to prepare for the fall break?
Answer 8: You should check with your professors regarding assignment deadlines and exam schedules, stock up on food and supplies if you are staying on campus, and plan ahead for any off-campus activities that you want to do.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ:

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the IUPUI fall break in 2024. For more information, please visit the IUPUI website or contact the Office of the Registrar.

Now that you know all about the IUPUI fall break in 2024, here are a few tips for making the most of your break:


Here are four tips for making the most of your IUPUI fall break in 2024:

Tip 1: Plan ahead.
The fall break is a great time to explore Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. However, it’s important to plan ahead, especially if you are traveling to another city. Research the attractions and events that you are interested in and make reservations if necessary.

Tip 2: Pack light.
If you are traveling during the fall break, pack light so that you can easily carry your luggage. Bring comfortable shoes and clothes that are appropriate for the weather. Also, be sure to pack any medications or other essential items that you may need.

Tip 3: Be flexible.
Things don’t always go according to plan when you are traveling. Be flexible and willing to change your plans if necessary. This will help you avoid stress and make the most of your break.

Tip 4: Take some time for yourself.
The fall break is a great time to relax and recharge. Make sure to take some time for yourself to do things that you enjoy, such as reading, watching movies, or spending time with friends and family.

Closing Paragraph for Tips:

By following these tips, you can make the most of your IUPUI fall break in 2024 and come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn.

The IUPUI fall break in 2024 is a great opportunity to relax, catch up on schoolwork, and explore Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. By planning ahead and following these tips, you can make the most of your break and come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn.


The IUPUI fall break in 2024 is a great opportunity for students to relax, catch up on schoolwork, and explore Indianapolis and the surrounding areas.

Here is a summary of the main points:

  • The fall break will take place from October 14th to October 18th, 2024.
  • All classes will be canceled during the fall break.
  • Exams that were scheduled during the fall break will be rescheduled or canceled.
  • The campus will be closed during the fall break, with the exception of essential services such as housing and dining.
  • Residence halls will remain open for students who live on campus.
  • Dining halls will be open with limited options during the fall break.
  • Students should plan ahead for off-campus activities during the fall break.
  • Students should check with their professors regarding assignment deadlines and exam schedules before leaving for break.

Closing Message:

Whether you are planning a road trip, a staycation, or simply some much-needed downtime, the IUPUI fall break in 2024 is the perfect opportunity to relax and recharge before the second half of the semester. So make the most of your break and come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn.

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