Merrie Monarch Festival 2024: A Celebration of Hawaiian Culture and Hula

Merrie Monarch Festival 2024: A Celebration of Hawaiian Culture and Hula

Aloha! Get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and traditions of Hawai’i at the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024. This highly anticipated annual event is a spectacle of hula, music, and festivities that honors the legacy of King David Kalākaua, who is credited with reviving the art form of hula. Held in the picturesque town of Hilo on the Big Island, the festival attracts hula groups from across the islands, perpetuating the Hawaiian cultural heritage and showcasing the mesmerizing artistry of hula.

The Merrie Monarch Festival is not just a dance competition; it’s a celebration of Hawaiian culture, history, and identity. It’s an opportunity to learn about the deep-rooted traditions, witness the beauty of Hawaiian arts, and connect with the warmth and hospitality of the local community. As you delve into the festival’s events, you’ll discover the stories, legends, and emotions expressed through the graceful movements of the hula dancers and the enchanting melodies of Hawaiian music.

Now, let’s dive into the details of this incredible festival and explore what it has in store for you in 2024.

Merrie Monarch Festival 2024

Experience the magic of the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024, a celebration of Hawaiian culture and hula.

  • Dates: April 8-13, 2024
  • Location: Hilo, Big Island, Hawai’i
  • Hula Competition: Renowned hula groups showcase their artistry
  • Cultural Exhibits: Immerse in Hawaiian history and traditions
  • Royal Parade: A procession honoring King Kalākaua
  • Ho’olaule’a: Festival marketplace with food, crafts, and music
  • Workshops: Learn hula, crafts, and Hawaiian language
  • Music Performances: Enjoy live Hawaiian music and concerts
  • Cultural Demonstrations: Discover Hawaiian arts and practices
  • Community Spirit: Celebrate the warmth and hospitality of Hawai’i

Join the vibrant Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 to witness the beauty of hula, embrace Hawaiian culture, and create lasting memories.

Dates: April 8-13, 2024

The Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 will take place from April 8th to April 13th, 2024, spanning six days of cultural immersion and hula extravaganza. These dates hold special significance in the Hawaiian calendar and align with the annual celebration of King David Kalākaua’s birthday, which falls on November 16th.

  • Cultural Significance

    King Kalākaua, known as the “Merrie Monarch,” was a passionate advocate for the revival and preservation of Hawaiian culture, including the art of hula. Holding the festival in April allows participants and attendees to honor his legacy and celebrate the continuity of Hawaiian cultural traditions.

  • Optimal Weather Conditions

    April is generally regarded as one of the most favorable months to visit Hawai’i, offering warm and pleasant weather with less rainfall compared to other times of the year. This makes it an ideal time to enjoy outdoor events, cultural performances, and explore the natural beauty of the Big Island.

  • School Break Advantage

    The festival’s timing coincides with the spring break period for many schools in Hawai’i and across the mainland United States. This allows families and hula enthusiasts from around the world to plan their travel and attend the festival without disrupting their academic schedules.

  • Hula Competition Schedule

    The main hula competition, which is the heart of the festival, takes place over three nights, typically from April 10th to April 12th. Hula hālau (hula schools) from across the Hawaiian Islands and beyond compete in various categories, showcasing their mastery of traditional and modern hula styles.

With its carefully chosen dates, the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 promises an immersive experience that honors Hawaiian culture, celebrates the beauty of hula, and provides a captivating journey into the heart of the Hawaiian Islands.

Location: Hilo, Big Island, Hawai’i

The Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 will be held in the charming town of Hilo, located on the eastern coast of the Big Island, also known as Hawai’i Island. This vibrant community serves as the cultural hub of the island and is steeped in Hawaiian history and traditions.

  • Cultural Significance

    Hilo holds a significant place in Hawaiian culture and history. It was once the residence of Hawaiian royalty, including King Kalākaua, and remains a center for hula and Hawaiian arts. The festival’s location in Hilo honors this cultural heritage and provides a deep connection to the roots of hula and Hawaiian traditions.

  • Natural Beauty

    The Big Island is renowned for its diverse and breathtaking natural beauty, from towering volcanoes to lush rainforests and sparkling coastlines. Hilo’s proximity to these natural wonders allows festival attendees to immerse themselves in the island’s unique ecosystem and explore its many attractions, including Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park and the Mauna Kea observatories.

  • Festival Infrastructure

    Hilo is well-equipped to host large-scale events like the Merrie Monarch Festival. The town has the necessary infrastructure, including venues, accommodations, and transportation options, to accommodate the influx of visitors during the festival. The festival’s main events take place at the Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium and the Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium, which provide ample space for hula performances, cultural exhibits, and other festival activities.

  • Community Involvement

    The people of Hilo热情地welcome visitors and take pride in showcasing their culture and traditions during the festival. Attendees can expect warm hospitality, delicious local cuisine, and opportunities to engage with the local community. Hilo’s strong sense of community contributes to the overall festive atmosphere and makes the Merrie Monarch Festival a truly special and authentic experience.

With its cultural significance, natural beauty, and welcoming community, Hilo provides an ideal setting for the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024, creating a memorable and enriching experience for all participants and attendees.

Hula Competition: Renowned hula groups showcase their artistry

The heart of the Merrie Monarch Festival is the hula competition, where renowned hula groups from across the Hawaiian Islands and beyond gather to showcase their mastery of this ancient and cherished art form. This prestigious competition is a testament to the enduring legacy of hula and its role in perpetuating Hawaiian culture and traditions.

Hula groups, known as hālau hula, undergo rigorous training and preparation throughout the year to compete at the Merrie Monarch Festival. Each hālau hula is led by a kumu hula (hula master), who is responsible for passing down the knowledge, techniques, and traditions of hula to their students. The kumu hula carefully selects the music, choreography, and costuming for each performance, ensuring that the group’s presentation is both visually stunning and culturally significant.

On the competition nights, the Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium transforms into a vibrant舞台, where the hālau hula take turns captivating the audience with their mesmerizing performances. The dancers don elaborate costumes, adorned with colorful feathers, shells, and other traditional materials. The graceful movements of their hands, hips, and feet tell stories of Hawaiian history, mythology, and everyday life. The accompanying chants and music, performed by live musicians, add to the emotional intensity and cultural richness of each performance.

The hula competition is judged by a panel of experienced and respected hula experts, who evaluate the groups based on various criteria, including the dancers’ technique, grace, and connection to the story being told. The competition is fierce, but it is also a celebration of the shared love and passion for hula. The winning hālau hula is awarded the coveted Merrie Monarch trophy, a symbol of excellence and prestige in the hula world.

The hula competition at the Merrie Monarch Festival is not only a spectacle of beauty and artistry, but also a profound expression of Hawaiian culture and identity. It is an opportunity for hula groups to honor their ancestors, share their stories, and connect with the broader community through the universal language of dance.

Cultural Exhibits: Immerse in Hawaiian history and traditions

Beyond the hula competition, the Merrie Monarch Festival offers a diverse range of cultural exhibits that provide attendees with an immersive experience of Hawaiian history, traditions, and arts.

  • Historical Displays

    Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing significant moments and figures in Hawaiian history. From the arrival of the first Polynesian settlers to the reign of King Kalākaua and the influence of missionaries, these displays offer a deeper understanding of Hawai’i’s rich past.

  • Traditional Crafts and Arts

    The festival features exhibits dedicated to traditional Hawaiian crafts and arts, such as kapa making, lei making, wood carving, and featherwork. Attendees can witness skilled artisans demonstrating their techniques and learn about the cultural significance of these crafts.

  • Music and Dance Performances

    In addition to the hula competition, the festival offers a variety of music and dance performances throughout the week. These performances showcase different styles of Hawaiian music and dance, including traditional chants, contemporary hula, and lively ukulele melodies.

  • Cultural Workshops and Demonstrations

    Festival attendees have the opportunity to participate in cultural workshops and demonstrations, where they can learn about and experience Hawaiian culture firsthand. These workshops may include hula lessons, lei making classes, traditional Hawaiian games, and storytelling sessions.

The cultural exhibits at the Merrie Monarch Festival provide a comprehensive and engaging journey through Hawaiian history, traditions, and arts. They offer attendees the chance to connect with the Hawaiian culture on a deeper level, fostering a greater appreciation for its richness and diversity.

Royal Parade: A procession honoring King Kalākaua

The Merrie Monarch Festival pays homage to its namesake, King David Kalākaua, through the Royal Parade, a vibrant and colorful procession that takes place on the opening day of the festival.

The parade features a captivating array of floats, marching bands, hula hālau (hula schools), and community groups, all parading through the streets of Hilo to celebrate the legacy of King Kalākaua and Hawaiian culture.

At the forefront of the parade is a float carrying the reigning Merrie Monarch hula competition winners, adorned in their beautiful hula attire. They wave and smile to the cheering crowds, embodying the grace and spirit of hula.

Following closely behind are floats representing various Hawaiian islands, each showcasing their unique cultural heritage and natural beauty. These floats may feature hula dancers performing traditional chants and dances, musicians playing Hawaiian melodies, or displays of native flora and fauna.

The Royal Parade is a spectacle of color, music, and cultural pride, capturing the essence of the Merrie Monarch Festival and honoring the contributions of King Kalākaua to the perpetuation of Hawaiian culture and traditions.

Ho’olaule’a: Festival marketplace with food, crafts, and music

The Merrie Monarch Festival features a vibrant Ho’olaule’a, a festival marketplace that brings together vendors from across the Hawaiian Islands and beyond to showcase their unique products and talents.

  • Local Cuisine

    Food lovers can indulge in a delectable array of Hawaiian and international cuisine at the Ho’olaule’a. Vendors offer a wide variety of dishes, from traditional Hawaiian fare like kalua pig and poi to mouthwatering plate lunches, fresh seafood, and sweet treats.

  • Arts and Crafts

    The Ho’olaule’a is a treasure trove for those seeking authentic Hawaiian arts and crafts. Vendors display their handmade creations, including kapa cloth, woven baskets, carved wooden bowls, and intricate featherwork. These items are not only beautiful but also carry cultural significance, representing the skills and traditions passed down through generations.

  • Live Music and Entertainment

    The Ho’olaule’a is filled with the sounds of live music, from traditional Hawaiian music to contemporary tunes. Local musicians and entertainers take to the stage to share their talents, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. Attendees can enjoy hula performances, ukulele strumming, and enchanting Hawaiian chants.

  • Cultural Demonstrations

    Throughout the Ho’olaule’a, cultural demonstrations provide attendees with an opportunity to learn about and experience Hawaiian culture firsthand. Artisans demonstrate traditional crafts like lei making, kapa beating, and wood carving. Cultural practitioners share their knowledge of Hawaiian language, history, and customs.

The Ho’olaule’a at the Merrie Monarch Festival is a vibrant celebration of Hawaiian culture and a delightful way to experience the warmth and hospitality of the local community.

Workshops: Learn hula, crafts, and Hawaiian language

The Merrie Monarch Festival offers a diverse range of workshops that provide attendees with the opportunity to immerse themselves in Hawaiian culture and learn new skills.

Hula workshops are a popular choice for those who want to experience the grace and beauty of this traditional Hawaiian dance form. Led by experienced kumu hula (hula masters), these workshops teach the basic steps, hand gestures, and storytelling techniques of hula. Participants can choose from various hula styles, including kahiko (ancient hula) and ‘auana (modern hula).

Cultural workshops offer a deeper understanding of Hawaiian culture and traditions. Participants can learn about Hawaiian language, traditional crafts, and the significance of symbols and rituals. Workshops may focus on topics such as lei making, kapa making, featherwork, and lauhala weaving. These hands-on experiences allow attendees to connect with Hawaiian culture in a meaningful way.

Music workshops provide aspiring musicians with the chance to learn from renowned Hawaiian musicians and immerse themselves in the enchanting sounds of Hawaiian music. Participants can learn to play traditional Hawaiian instruments, such as the ukulele, guitar, and ipu (gourd drum), and explore different genres of Hawaiian music, from traditional chants to contemporary melodies.

The workshops at the Merrie Monarch Festival are a fantastic way to engage with Hawaiian culture, learn new skills, and create lasting memories. They offer a unique opportunity for attendees to connect with the local community and gain a deeper appreciation for the richness and diversity of Hawaiian traditions.

Music Performances: Enjoy live Hawaiian music and concerts

The Merrie Monarch Festival is a celebration of Hawaiian culture, and music plays a vital role in this vibrant event.

  • Hula Competition Music

    At the heart of the festival is the hula competition, where hula hālau (hula schools) perform their carefully choreographed dances to the accompaniment of live music. The music for hula is traditionally provided by a group of musicians known as a hālau kani, which includes instrumentalists playing traditional Hawaiian instruments such as the ukulele, guitar, and ipu (gourd drum). The music sets the mood and tempo for the hula, enhancing the dancers’ movements and storytelling.

  • Concerts and Stage Shows

    Throughout the festival, there are numerous concerts and stage shows featuring renowned Hawaiian musicians and entertainers. These performances showcase a wide range of Hawaiian music genres, from traditional chants and slack-key guitar to contemporary Hawaiian music and hapa haole (a blend of Hawaiian and Western music). Attendees can enjoy the soulful melodies, captivating rhythms, and heartfelt lyrics that are synonymous with Hawaiian music.

  • Ho’olaule’a Entertainment

    The festival’s Ho’olaule’a marketplace is not just a place for shopping and food; it’s also a hub for live music and entertainment. Local musicians and hula groups perform on stages throughout the Ho’olaule’a, creating a lively and festive atmosphere. Attendees can wander through the marketplace, enjoying the music, watching impromptu hula performances, and experiencing the vibrant energy of the festival.

  • Cultural Workshops and Demonstrations

    In addition to the formal concerts and performances, the Merrie Monarch Festival offers cultural workshops and demonstrations that focus on Hawaiian music and instruments. Attendees can learn about the history and significance of different Hawaiian musical instruments, such as the ukulele and slack-key guitar. They can also participate in hands-on workshops where they can try playing these instruments and learn basic techniques.

The music performances at the Merrie Monarch Festival are an integral part of the overall experience, providing a captivating soundtrack to the celebration of Hawaiian culture and traditions.

Cultural Demonstrations: Discover Hawaiian arts and practices

The Merrie Monarch Festival offers a diverse range of cultural demonstrations that provide attendees with an immersive experience of Hawaiian arts and practices.

Throughout the festival, skilled artisans and cultural practitioners share their knowledge and expertise through hands-on demonstrations. Attendees can learn about the intricate techniques involved in traditional Hawaiian crafts, such as kapa making, lei making, featherwork, and wood carving. They can watch as artisans transform natural materials into beautiful works of art, gaining a deeper understanding of the cultural significance and symbolism behind each craft.

Cultural demonstrations also showcase traditional Hawaiian practices, such as hula, oli (chanting), and lomilomi (massage). Hula practitioners demonstrate the graceful movements and storytelling techniques of this ancient dance form. Oli chanters share the rich history and traditions of Hawaii through their melodious chants. Lomilomi practitioners provide attendees with a taste of this ancient healing art, offering relaxing massages that incorporate traditional Hawaiian techniques and natural oils.

In addition to these formal demonstrations, the Merrie Monarch Festival is filled with spontaneous moments of cultural sharing. Attendees may encounter impromptu hula performances, hear the sweet sounds of Hawaiian music, or witness traditional Hawaiian games being played. These spontaneous expressions of Hawaiian culture create a vibrant and authentic festival atmosphere.

The cultural demonstrations at the Merrie Monarch Festival provide attendees with a unique opportunity to engage with Hawaiian culture, learn about its rich traditions, and appreciate the skill and artistry of its practitioners.

Community Spirit: Celebrate the warmth and hospitality of Hawai’i

The Merrie Monarch Festival is not just about hula competition, cultural exhibits, and performances; it is also a celebration of the warmth and hospitality of the Hawaiian community.

The people of Hilo and the Big Island热情地welcome visitors to their island and embrace the opportunity to share their culture and traditions. Attendees are greeted with friendly smiles, genuine aloha spirit, and a sense of community that is truly unique to Hawai’i.

Throughout the festival, there are numerous opportunities for attendees to interact with local residents and experience Hawaiian hospitality firsthand. They can participate in community events, such as the Royal Parade and the Ho’olaule’a marketplace, where they can mingle with locals, sample delicious Hawaiian cuisine, and purchase authentic Hawaiian crafts and souvenirs.

The Merrie Monarch Festival also provides a platform for local businesses and organizations to showcase their products and services. Attendees can support the local economy by patronizing these businesses and learning about the unique offerings of the Big Island. From local restaurants and shops to cultural tours and activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

The community spirit at the Merrie Monarch Festival is infectious, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where attendees feel like they are part of the ‘ohana (family). This sense of community is what makes the festival such a special and memorable experience for all who attend.


Have questions about the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you plan your trip and make the most of your festival experience.

Question 1: When and where is the Merrie Monarch Festival held?
Answer: The Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 will take place from April 8th to April 13th in Hilo, on the Big Island of Hawai’i.

Question 2: How can I purchase tickets for the hula competition?
Answer: Tickets for the hula competition go on sale in January 2024. Visit the official Merrie Monarch Festival website or authorized ticket vendors for more information.

Question 3: Are there any free events during the festival?
Answer: Yes, there are several free events open to the public, including the Royal Parade, the Ho’olaule’a marketplace, and various cultural demonstrations and workshops.

Question 4: What is the dress code for the festival?
Answer: The dress code for the festival is typically casual and comfortable. Attendees are encouraged to wear clothing that respects Hawaiian culture and traditions.

Question 5: Can I bring food and drinks into the festival?
Answer: Outside food and drinks are not allowed inside the Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium, where the hula competition is held. However, there are numerous food and beverage vendors within the festival grounds.

Question 6: Are there any special accommodations for visitors with disabilities?
Answer: Yes, the festival organizers are committed to providing accessible and inclusive experiences for all attendees. Accessible seating, sign language interpreters, and other accommodations are available upon request.

Question 7: How can I learn more about Hawaiian culture and traditions during the festival?
Answer: The Merrie Monarch Festival offers a variety of cultural demonstrations, workshops, and exhibits that provide attendees with an opportunity to learn about Hawaiian history, crafts, music, and dance. Be sure to explore the cultural exhibits and participate in the workshops to deepen your understanding of Hawaiian culture.

We hope this FAQ section has answered some of your questions about the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024. For more information, please visit the festival’s official website or contact the festival organizers.

Now that you have a better understanding of the festival, here are some tips to help you plan your trip and make the most of your experience at the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024.


Here are a few practical tips to help you plan your trip and make the most of your experience at the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024:

Tip 1: Book your accommodation and flights early. The Merrie Monarch Festival attracts visitors from around the world, so it’s important to book your accommodation and flights well in advance to secure the best rates and availability.

Tip 2: Purchase your hula competition tickets as soon as they go on sale. Tickets for the hula competition tend to sell out quickly, so be sure to purchase yours as soon as they become available.

Tip 3: Arrive early for the hula competition. The Edith Kanaka’ole Stadium, where the hula competition is held, has limited seating. Arriving early will ensure that you get a good seat and avoid long lines.

Tip 4: Bring a refillable water bottle and sunscreen. The weather in Hilo during April is typically warm and sunny, so it’s important to stay hydrated and protected from the sun. Bring a refillable water bottle to avoid buying single-use plastic bottles and apply sunscreen regularly throughout the day.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your trip to the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 is enjoyable, memorable, and hassle-free.

With its rich cultural heritage, captivating performances, and warm Hawaiian hospitality, the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience. Start planning your trip today and immerse yourself in the beauty and spirit of Hawai’i.


As the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 approaches, excitement fills the air on the Big Island of Hawai’i. This highly anticipated annual event is a celebration of Hawaiian culture, hula, and the legacy of King David Kalākaua. From the mesmerizing hula competition to the vibrant cultural exhibits, workshops, and performances, the festival offers a rich and immersive experience for attendees of all ages.

The 2024 festival promises to be particularly special, as it marks the 55th anniversary of the Merrie Monarch Hula Competition. This milestone will be celebrated with a grand parade, a special exhibition of historical hula artifacts, and a commemorative concert featuring renowned Hawaiian musicians.

Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned festival-goer, the Merrie Monarch Festival 2024 is an event not to be missed. Come and experience the warmth and hospitality of the Hawaiian people, immerse yourself in the beauty of hula, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Hawaiian Islands.

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