Winter Olympics 2024 Mascots: Shuss and Lyo, Embracing the Magic of Winter Sports

Winter Olympics 2024 Mascots: Shuss and Lyo, Embracing the Magic of Winter Sports

The Winter Olympics 2024 in Paris, France, has introduced the world to two adorable mascots, Shuss and Lyo, who have captivated the hearts of sports enthusiasts and spectators alike. These mascots embody the spirit of the Olympic Games, representing the core values of excellence, friendship, and respect while adding a touch of French flair and charm.

Shuss, a sleek and playful figure, represents the grace and speed of alpine skiing, with his name derived from the French word “chut,” meaning “shush” in English. His dynamic posture and vibrant blue color symbolize the exhilarating rush of gliding down snowy slopes, highlighting the thrilling aspect of winter sports.

While Shuss embodies the thrill of alpine skiing, his counterpart, Lyo, represents the warmth and agility of cross-country skiing. With his name inspired by the French word “lion,” Lyo exudes strength and endurance, qualities essential for tackling the challenging cross-country trails.

Winter Olympics 2024 Mascots

Shuss and Lyo: Dynamic Duo of Winter Sports

  • Names: Shuss and Lyo
  • Sports: Alpine skiing and cross-country skiing
  • Colors: Vibrant blue and warm yellow
  • Symbolism: Grace, speed, strength, and endurance
  • French Connection: Names inspired by French words
  • Olympic Values: Excellence, friendship, and respect
  • Dynamic Duo: Embracing different winter sports
  • Designed by: French agency DBLG
  • Unveiled: November 2022

Shuss and Lyo, the official mascots of the Winter Olympics 2024, are more than just symbols; they are embodiments of the spirit of winter sports and the Olympic ideals.

Names: Shuss and Lyo

The names Shuss and Lyo were carefully chosen to reflect the spirit of the Winter Olympics 2024 and the mascots’ personalities.

Shuss, with his sleek design and vibrant blue color, embodies the thrill and speed of alpine skiing. His name is derived from the French word “chut,” meaning “shush” in English. This name captures the hushed anticipation and focus required for this exhilarating sport, as skiers glide down the slopes with precision and grace.

Lyo, on the other hand, exudes warmth and agility, qualities essential for cross-country skiing. His name is inspired by the French word “lion,” symbolizing strength and endurance. Just as lions are known for their resilience and determination, Lyo represents the unwavering spirit of cross-country skiers who navigate challenging terrains and long distances with unwavering determination.

Together, Shuss and Lyo form a dynamic duo, representing the diverse and exciting world of winter sports. Their names, rooted in the French language and culture, add a touch of local charm and authenticity to the Winter Olympics 2024.

The selection of these names demonstrates the thoughtfulness and creativity that went into designing the mascots. Shuss and Lyo are not just symbols; they are personalities that embody the essence of the Olympic spirit and the joy of winter sports.

Sports: Alpine skiing and cross-country skiing

Shuss and Lyo represent two distinct winter sports that showcase different skills and techniques: alpine skiing and cross-country skiing.

  • Alpine skiing:

    An exhilarating sport that involves racing down steep slopes at high speeds. It requires exceptional balance, agility, and the ability to make quick turns. Shuss, with his sleek design and vibrant blue color, embodies the grace and precision of alpine skiing.

  • Cross-country skiing:

    A demanding endurance sport that involves covering long distances over varied terrain. It requires strength, stamina, and the ability to maintain a steady pace. Lyo, with his warm yellow color and determined expression, represents the resilience and perseverance of cross-country skiers.

  • Olympic history:

    Both alpine skiing and cross-country skiing have been featured in every Winter Olympics since the inaugural Games in 1924. They are among the most popular and widely recognized winter sports, attracting millions of spectators worldwide.

  • Paris 2024 venues:

    The alpine skiing events for the Winter Olympics 2024 will take place in the Savoie region, known for its world-class ski resorts and challenging terrains. The cross-country skiing events will be held in Prémanon, a picturesque village in the Jura Mountains.

By choosing alpine skiing and cross-country skiing as the sports represented by Shuss and Lyo, the organizers of the Winter Olympics 2024 have highlighted the diversity and excitement of winter sports, while also showcasing the stunning natural landscapes of France.

Colors: Vibrant blue and warm yellow

The vibrant blue and warm yellow colors of Shuss and Lyo are not just visually appealing; they also carry symbolic meanings that align perfectly with the Winter Olympics 2024 and the mascots’ personalities.

  • Shuss: Vibrant blue:

    The vibrant blue color of Shuss reflects the icy slopes and clear skies often associated with alpine skiing. It is a dynamic and energetic color that evokes a sense of speed and excitement, capturing the thrill of gliding down snowy mountains.

  • Lyo: Warm yellow:

    The warm yellow color of Lyo represents the warmth and camaraderie found among cross-country skiers. It is a welcoming and inviting color that symbolizes endurance and perseverance, qualities essential for tackling the challenging terrains and long distances of cross-country skiing.

  • Complementary colors:

    The combination of vibrant blue and warm yellow creates a visually striking contrast that complements each other beautifully. This reflects the harmonious relationship between alpine skiing and cross-country skiing, two sports that showcase different skills and techniques but share a common spirit of athleticism and sportsmanship.

  • Olympic spirit:

    The colors of Shuss and Lyo also embody the Olympic spirit. Blue is often associated with unity, peace, and friendship, while yellow represents optimism, joy, and energy. These colors collectively capture the essence of the Olympic Games, which bring together athletes from around the world in a celebration of sportsmanship and human achievement.

The vibrant blue and warm yellow colors of Shuss and Lyo are more than just aesthetic choices; they are powerful symbols that reflect the spirit of the Winter Olympics 2024 and the values of the Olympic movement.

Symbolism: Grace, speed, strength, and endurance

Shuss and Lyo not only represent specific winter sports but also embody the core values and qualities essential for success in these sports and in life.

  • Grace:

    Shuss personifies the grace and fluidity of movement that is characteristic of alpine skiing. His sleek design and dynamic posture capture the elegance and precision required to navigate challenging slopes with finesse.

  • Speed:

    Shuss also symbolizes the exhilarating speed and adrenaline rush that alpine skiers experience as they race down the mountains. His vibrant blue color evokes the blur of motion and the thrill of the chase.

  • Strength:

    Lyo represents the strength and resilience needed for cross-country skiing. His sturdy build and determined expression convey the physical and mental fortitude required to endure long distances and challenging terrains.

  • Endurance:

    Lyo also embodies the unwavering endurance that cross-country skiers must possess. His warm yellow color suggests the inner fire and determination that drives these athletes to push their limits and overcome obstacles.

Together, Shuss and Lyo symbolize the complete athlete, embodying the qualities of grace, speed, strength, and endurance that are essential for success in winter sports and beyond. They inspire athletes and spectators alike to strive for excellence and to embrace the challenges of life with determination and resilience.

French Connection: Names inspired by French words

Shuss and Lyo’s names are not just random choices; they are deeply rooted in the French language and culture, adding a touch of local charm and authenticity to the mascots.

Shuss’s name is derived from the French word “chut,” meaning “shush” in English. This playful reference captures the hushed anticipation and focus required for alpine skiing, where silence is often essential for maintaining balance and control.

Lyo’s name is inspired by the French word “lion,” symbolizing strength and courage. This name perfectly embodies the determination and resilience of cross-country skiers, who must overcome challenging terrains and long distances with unwavering resolve.

By choosing names that are rooted in the French language, the organizers of the Winter Olympics 2024 have paid homage to the host country and its rich cultural heritage. Shuss and Lyo’s names are not just words; they are symbols of the French spirit of excellence and passion for winter sports.

The French connection in the mascots’ names is a reminder that the Winter Olympics 2024 is not just a sporting event; it is also a celebration of French culture and traditions. Shuss and Lyo are more than just mascots; they are ambassadors of French hospitality and joie de vivre.

Olympic Values: Excellence, friendship, and respect

Shuss and Lyo are not just mascots; they are embodiments of the Olympic values of excellence, friendship, and respect.

Shuss, with his sleek design and dynamic posture, represents the pursuit of excellence. He inspires athletes to strive for their personal bests and to push the boundaries of human achievement. His vibrant blue color symbolizes the energy and determination required to reach the highest levels of athleticism.

Lyo, with his warm yellow color and friendly expression, represents the spirit of friendship and camaraderie. He reminds us that the Olympics is not just about competition; it is also about building bridges between cultures and nations. Lyo encourages athletes and spectators alike to come together in the spirit of sportsmanship and mutual respect.

Together, Shuss and Lyo embody the Olympic values that unite athletes from all over the world. They inspire us to strive for excellence, to celebrate our common humanity, and to embrace the power of sport to bring people together.

Shuss and Lyo are more than just mascots for the Winter Olympics 2024; they are symbols of the Olympic spirit and the values that make the Games so special. They remind us that sport has the power to inspire, unite, and make the world a better place.

Dynamic Duo: Embracing different winter sports

Shuss and Lyo are not just individual mascots; they are a dynamic duo that represents the diversity and inclusivity of winter sports.

Shuss, with his focus on alpine skiing, embodies the thrill and exhilaration of racing down snowy slopes. He represents the athletes who seek adrenaline and the challenge of mastering technical terrain. His vibrant blue color reflects the icy slopes and the speed of his sport.

Lyo, with his focus on cross-country skiing, represents the endurance and determination required for long-distance skiing. He represents the athletes who embrace the challenge of pushing their physical and mental limits. His warm yellow color reflects the warmth of camaraderie and the perseverance of cross-country skiers.

Together, Shuss and Lyo showcase the wide range of winter sports that the Olympics encompass. They remind us that the Olympics is not just about one sport; it is about celebrating the diversity of human athleticism and the pursuit of excellence in all its forms.

Shuss and Lyo’s dynamic duo also symbolizes the unity of the Olympic movement. They stand side by side, representing different sports but sharing the same Olympic values. They remind us that, despite our differences, we can come together in the spirit of competition and sportsmanship.

Designed by: French agency DBLG

The creative minds behind Shuss and Lyo are the talented designers at DBLG, a renowned French agency known for their innovative and engaging work.

  • Expertise in mascot design:

    DBLG has a proven track record in creating memorable and iconic mascots. They have previously designed mascots for major sporting events, including the 2016 UEFA European Championship and the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup.

  • Understanding of French culture:

    As a French agency, DBLG has a deep understanding of French culture and values. This understanding was essential in creating mascots that authentically represent the host country and resonate with the French people.

  • Collaborative approach:

    DBLG worked closely with the organizers of the Winter Olympics 2024 to ensure that Shuss and Lyo perfectly embody the values and spirit of the Games. This collaborative approach resulted in mascots that are not only visually appealing but also meaningful and impactful.

  • Commitment to excellence:

    DBLG is known for their commitment to excellence and their attention to detail. They invested significant time and effort into researching, designing, and refining Shuss and Lyo to ensure that they would be beloved by fans around the world.

The selection of DBLG as the designers of the Winter Olympics 2024 mascots is a testament to their skill, creativity, and passion for their craft. Shuss and Lyo are a true reflection of DBLG’s expertise and their commitment to creating mascots that leave a lasting impression.

Unveiled: November 2022

The world got its first glimpse of Shuss and Lyo on November 14, 2022, when they were officially unveiled at a grand ceremony in Paris.

  • Building anticipation:

    The unveiling of the mascots was a highly anticipated moment, as it marked the official countdown to the Winter Olympics 2024. The ceremony generated excitement and buzz among sports fans and the general public alike.

  • Unveiling ceremony:

    The unveiling ceremony was a spectacular event that showcased the creativity and energy of the Winter Olympics 2024. It featured live performances, cultural displays, and a special appearance by Shuss and Lyo themselves.

  • Global reach:

    The unveiling ceremony was broadcast live around the world, allowing people from all corners of the globe to witness the introduction of the official mascots. This global reach helped to raise awareness for the upcoming Games and create a sense of anticipation among viewers.

  • Positive reception:

    Shuss and Lyo were met with overwhelmingly positive reactions from the public. Their playful designs, vibrant colors, and symbolic meanings resonated with people of all ages and backgrounds. The mascots quickly became popular on social media and were praised for their originality and charm.

The unveiling of Shuss and Lyo in November 2022 was a major milestone in the lead-up to the Winter Olympics 2024. It marked the official introduction of the mascots to the world and generated excitement and anticipation for the upcoming Games.


Have questions about Shuss, Lyo, and the Winter Olympics 2024? Check out our FAQ section for answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.

Question 1: Who are Shuss and Lyo?
Answer 1: Shuss and Lyo are the official mascots of the Winter Olympics 2024 in Paris, France. Shuss represents alpine skiing, while Lyo represents cross-country skiing.

Question 2: What do their names mean?
Answer 2: Shuss’s name is inspired by the French word “chut,” meaning “shush” in English, capturing the focus and silence required for alpine skiing. Lyo’s name is derived from the French word “lion,” symbolizing strength and endurance, qualities essential for cross-country skiing.

Question 3: Why were they chosen as mascots?
Answer 3: Shuss and Lyo were chosen as mascots to embody the values and spirit of the Winter Olympics 2024. They represent the diversity of winter sports, the pursuit of excellence, and the importance of friendship and respect.

Question 4: What do their colors represent?
Answer 4: Shuss’s vibrant blue color reflects the icy slopes and the speed of alpine skiing. Lyo’s warm yellow color symbolizes the warmth of camaraderie and the perseverance of cross-country skiers.

Question 5: Who designed Shuss and Lyo?
Answer 5: Shuss and Lyo were designed by DBLG, a renowned French agency known for their expertise in mascot design. DBLG worked closely with the organizers of the Winter Olympics 2024 to create mascots that authentically represent the host country and the spirit of the Games.

Question 6: When were they unveiled?
Answer 6: Shuss and Lyo were officially unveiled on November 14, 2022, at a grand ceremony in Paris. The unveiling generated excitement and anticipation for the upcoming Winter Olympics 2024.

Question 7: Where can I learn more about Shuss and Lyo?
Answer 7: You can find more information about Shuss and Lyo on the official website of the Winter Olympics 2024. You can also follow them on social media for the latest updates and fun content.

We hope this FAQ section has answered some of your questions about Shuss, Lyo, and the Winter Olympics 2024. If you have any further questions, feel free to explore the official website or reach out to the organizers for more information.

Remember to stay tuned for more exciting news and updates as we approach the Winter Olympics 2024 in Paris!

While you’re here, check out our tips for making the most of your Winter Olympics 2024 experience.


Planning to attend the Winter Olympics 2024 in Paris? Here are a few practical tips to help you make the most of your experience:

Tip 1: Plan and book early:
The Winter Olympics is a major event, so it’s important to start planning and booking your travel and accommodation well in advance. This will give you a wider selection of options and help you secure the best deals.

Tip 2: Purchase tickets in advance:
Tickets for the Winter Olympics 2024 are expected to sell out quickly. To avoid disappointment, purchase your tickets as early as possible through authorized ticket sellers.

Tip 3: Pack for the weather:
Paris in February can experience cold and unpredictable weather, so pack accordingly. Bring warm clothing, waterproof gear, and comfortable shoes for walking. Layers are key to adjusting to changing temperatures.

Tip 4: Explore beyond the Olympic venues:
While the Olympic events are the main attraction, take some time to explore the beautiful city of Paris. Visit iconic landmarks, indulge in delicious French cuisine, and soak up the vibrant atmosphere.

Tip 5: Embrace the Olympic spirit:
The Winter Olympics is a celebration of sportsmanship and human achievement. Embrace the Olympic spirit by cheering on athletes from all over the world, making new friends, and enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Tip 6: Stay informed and connected:
Keep yourself updated on the latest news, schedules, and results by downloading the official Winter Olympics 2024 app. You can also follow the Games on social media to stay connected with other fans and share your Olympic experience.

Tip 7: Be respectful and mindful:
Remember that you are a guest in Paris and at the Olympic venues. Be respectful of the local culture, customs, and regulations. Be mindful of your behavior and interactions with others to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your Winter Olympics 2024 experience, create lasting memories, and be part of this incredible celebration of winter sports and human achievement.

We hope these tips help you plan and enjoy your Winter Olympics 2024 experience to the fullest!

As the excitement builds towards the Winter Olympics 2024, remember to follow Shuss and Lyo, the official mascots, for updates, fun facts, and behind-the-scenes content.


The Winter Olympic Games 2024 in Paris, France, promises to be an unforgettable celebration of winter sports, human achievement, and the Olympic spirit.

Shuss and Lyo, the official mascots, embody the values and excitement of the Games. With their dynamic designs, meaningful symbolism, and French charm, they have captured the hearts of fans around the world.

As we approach the Winter Olympic Games 2024, let’s draw inspiration from Shuss’s focus on precision and speed, and Lyo’s embodiment of resilience and determination. Let these mascots remind us of the power of sports to bring people together and to challenge our limits.

We hope you join us in cheering for the incredible winter sports and the spirit of camaraderie during the Winter Olympic Games 2024. Vive le sport! Vive l’hiver!

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